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Website Analytics

What exactly is Analytics?

Our Analytic services for your website(s) will cover the full range of data.

  • Traffic

  • Referral Traffic (visitors who visit your website from other websites)

  • Bounce Rate

  • Session Duration

  • Click-Through rates

  • Conversion rates

  • Social Media Engagement

  • Geolocation

  • Keyword Performance

  • Page Load Speed

  • Device Breakdown (How many visitors are using different devices to view your website)

Why are Analytics important for my business?

Knowing how your users are interacting with your content can give you a competitive edge in your business.

Regardless of what business you're in.

How do I recieve this Analytic Data?

Our team compiles a month full of aggrigate data and compiles them in an easy to understand spreadsheet for your convenience.

This data is shared to you in the software that you prefer.


We have experts in Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, and LibreOffice Spreadsheets.

When do I recieve my monthly spreadsheet of data?

We understand that every client has a unique timetable that works best for their personal and business schedule.

Generally, we do provide a report bi-weekly or monthly.

If any of these services appeal to you:

Contact us today.

We offer free consultations for all services offered at Accessible Web Designs.

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